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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Day 5: Hotwire bonus: Chattanooga Holiday Inn Choo Choo

Good ol' Hotwire came through for my first hotel booking: the Chattanooga Holiday Inn Choo Choo. Chattanooga is probably best know for the Chattanooga Choo Choo, both the Glen Miller song as well as the train that inspired it. The first train was a wood burning engine travelling between Cincinatti and points south in 1880 at a time when nearly all trains going south went through Chattanooga.

The hotel was neat, a combination of hotel, museum, and theme park. OK, the theme park is basically a short train ride. You could stay in a train car that was converted into a room and visit the model train museum. I advise against paying the $3 entrance fee and just check out the images in my flickr stream like this and this.

While on my way to Chattanooga, my ride was interrupted by a torrential downpour forcing me to seek solace at a Waffle House in the middle of a town with no dentist. OK, that's mean, the people working at the Waffle House were quite friendly and fun to chat with. They also made a mean hot chocolate, three of which were needed to warm my body up for the remaining hour ride.

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