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Friday, May 23, 2008

Day 29: South Rim - The day that shall not be mentioned

Originally, this post was titled:

  • What's your vector, Victor? Where I detail how vector calculus is necessary to successfully transit Arizona on a motorcycle in 40-60mph winds of variable direction.
  • All the world's a sand storm. Where I detail the glory of zero feet visibility.
  • Some other stuff exhaustion has wiped from my memory.
Suffice to say, I have a 32" inseam, the bike is approximately 32" high at the groin, and the road wasn't as flat as I thought it was. My friend Ted is convinced that the Canyon is cursed. While on his XC trip, he was hit from behind by speeding, drunk, Native Americans causing his car to perform multiple flips and compress like an accordion. He and his travel buddy escaped unscathed, though. Something to be said for Honda safety ratings...

The views from the South Rim were amazing. Much better than the North views. It was a tourist haven, though. I didn't get any pictures, unfortunately, as I had to arrange for housing, and all the stuff one needs to do to transport a 700 lb bike to Las Vegas for less than 900 dollars.

What's really awesome is that I got the room comp'd! Which is good as it wasn't worth the $100+ they would have normally charged me.


Anonymous said...

how'd you get it comp'd?

Kevin said...

I'm guessing it was comp'd due to the accident. Since the ranger called it in, they must have trusted the source and not charged me, which is nice of them. I celebrated by losing the $100 in Vegas.