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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Day 1: A slow beginning and a fine ending in Charlottesville

Living in DC, my body acclimated to the relentless traffic noise of Wisconsin Ave. How else to explain sleeping in until 10:30 this morning while various people worked with power tools outside my open window?

Despite the sluggish start, things ramped up quickly from there. I think I actually packed everything except a long sleeve shirt, but I can live without that for now. I did have to bail on bringing the tent and sleeping bag as they took up way too much space to justify a few nights of camping.

It turned out to be a beautiful day for a ride -- a little warm, but the breeze was nice. On my way to Charlottesville, I had a quick visit with my friend and former co-worker Megan Mink. She just got back from riding the Dragon in North Carolina with her husband Joey. Isn't that sweet? He's a lucky guy, but he knows that.

The ride went very smoothly after fighting past the traffic lights on Route 29. One of the cool sights was a seeing a biplane cruising around overhead (as opposed to faceplanting in the corn field.) After meeting up with my friend Tim Gallagher, we joined his friend Tate at the UVA baseball game. Like the Flyers game I attended, the team I was rooting for lost. Damn the Tribe of William and Mary! Who names their team the "Tribe" anyway? What does it have to do with William and Mary? We drowned our sorrows at the Court Square Tavern where I enjoyed a Young's Double Chocolate Stout.

Next up are my friends Craig and Alicia in North Carolina!


Peyton said...

Awesome Kev. Glad to hear you're off and I'm looking forward to following you all the way. This is going to be fun.

Unknown said...


I am very excited for you. Live your dream!

Anonymous said...

We are all with you in spirit and looking upon you with smiles, Enjoy.

Anonymous said...

Aw, I missed getting a ride on the bike. And seeing you again before you left. :( Well, we'll catch up when you get back. My life should be much less cluttered then. Meanwhile, have a wonderful journey and enjoy the incredible freedom. I look forward to keeping up with you via the blog.
Love you.

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to your updates, Kev. Ride safely!

Anne Van Meter said...

Good for you! I guess I can't tell my mom 'cause she'll tell your mom. Though I can't believe no one's spilled the beans yet!

Hugs from the PA cousins -

Anonymous said...

Go get 'em Kev. See you in CO I hope (unless my work travel takes me away when you are here). Living vicariously through you on this one cuz.

JeffH said...

Kev, since I've already said congratulations and told you that the trip will be awesome, some practical info - you must do Rt1 in CA...go on a weekday and you should be good. Doesn't look like that's your planned route but maybe it is. Also, hit the Sierra Nevadas...Sequoia, Kings Canyon, Mt Whitney, Yosemite - any of them. Too good to miss. I'll leave more on Colorado in a later post.

Donna said...

We are all excited for you.
Have a great trip.
Cuz's from NJ
Love The Segal's xoxoxoxoxoxo

Donna said...

OOPs is this still a secret. I will tell my Mom not to tell your Mom.


Donna said...

Hiiiiii Kevin, its courtney!
Are you going through Kansas City?
if you are, can you stop at the Three Dog Bakery?
I REALLY WANT some pics of it!!!
see, i read book called Amazing Gracie, and... well... its reaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllly cool. They make food for dogs, its natural, and they make cakes, cookies, and ALL that stuff, BUT FOR DOGS!!! if u can... can you get me the guys, AND the dogs autographs?
ur the best Kev and Good Luck!!!! love, Courtney

Unknown said...

Kev, can't wait to see you in Vegas! Ride safe and enjoy every minute...

Anonymous said...

dude, you think you're cool because you got to hang with megan mink? oh ya? i'm seeing her for lunch soon so take that.

ps except i won't be on a radass motorcycle.

more pictures!

Anonymous said...

No word since Thursday... I'm guessing you've met a raven-haired Guatemalan beauty and the two of you are on your way to the Yukon to follow your newly-found dream of yak farming. Sadly, yaks are Oriental animals and come December you'll be passing through the digestive systems of wolves, but hey! At least you tried...
So, post will ya?